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My name is:
I Am A...
Equipped With...
It All Started When...
But Now I...
My Hometown Is...
Choose Your Lineage
D20I AM A...
1Tall, Slender Elf: The so-called ‘high elves’ are known for long ears, sharp features, and elegant limbs.
2Rugged Woodland Elf: The wood elves are almost human in appearance, save slightly pointed ears. Some even have beards.
3Elf with Regal, Flawless Presence: One of a royal or ancient bloodline.
4Muscle-Bound Elven Athlete: A statuesque figure... defined, powerful.
5Sure-Footed Stout Folk: Some dwarves are less bulky, but have larger feet, making them skilled climbers and distance walkers.
6Thick-Necked Dwarf: Known among the stout as ‘guntrnekke,’ this type is heavily muscled, with square features and a strong jaw.
7Jolly, Well-Fed Dwarf: Ah the stout folk revelers! A life of eating and drinking shows on this huggable figure.
8Dark-Eyed Stout Folk: Some dwarves spend decades underground, gaining this uncany, colorless look in the eyes and skin.
9Towering Human: The largest folk in the realm.
10Human with Drawn, Serious Features: A life of hardship and struggle gives gravity and presence to your expression.
11Bright-Eyed Human: The happy, optimistic folk of many places.
12Afflicted Human: Stricken with years or injury, these folk struggle on.
13Furry Little Proudfoot: The smallest of Proud Foots are whiskered from head to toe, with exaggerated front teeth and smll, deep-set eyes.
14Robust Proudfoot: Reaching up to 5’ tall, these proud folk are almost human in appearance, save the refusal to wear shoes.
15Proudfoot Citizen: Dimunitive, knobby-nosed, with foppish hair.
16Lighthearted Proudfoot: Ah, the river folk! Silly, floppy ken with large hands, gleaming, colorful eyes and creative hairstyles.
17Green Frog-Kin: Light green folk, 4 to 5 feet high, who squat often.
18Mottled Frog-Kin: Spotted frog folk, browns and grays, thickly muscled, with a bright white throat pouch and wide-set eyes.
19Frog-Kin Giant: 5 to 6 feet tall, more suited to walking than leaping.
20Gold Frog-Kin: Bright yellow skin, the smallest of the frog people.
Choose Your Equipped
1Axes and Hammers: You prefer the heft and balance of ‘headed’ weapons, and the crushing, chopping fighting style there found.
2Armor from Head to Toe: With a skilled fit, perfectly comfortable.
3A Single, Huge Weapon: You have eschewed versatility in favor of specialization. You and your weapon are one. A focused fighter.
4Tools and Gadgets: You are outfitted with belts and pouches with all manner of implements and handy doo-dads.
5Mining Gear: A simple kit for the pragmatic delver.
6Little More Than Robes: Clutter and encumbrance is bothersome.
7Bow and Arrow: You are an archer through and through. You may carry a backup, smaller bnow, or extra quiver, but seldome need it.
8A Steel Shield: Not your only gear, but your closest ally in a pinch.
9Vials and Magical Baubles: You revel in oddities, artifacts, ingredients, trinkets, curios, wands, and jewelry.
10Grimoire and Staff: You carry a hefty spell book and twisted stick.
11A Mighty Spear: Learned in a military fighting style, you prefer the reach, piercing, and versatility of a 10 foot spear, halberd, or bill hook.
12Fishing Pole, Paddle, and Net: So few things in this world can you trust... swords, magic, beasts? No. But these? These you can trust.
13Lightweight Cloak and Quiet Boots: Soft materials for stealth.
14Chainmail and Emblazoned Tabard: The armor kit of a soldier.
15A Many-Pocketed Great-Cloak: Your odd interests make this critical.
16Armor From the Marsh Lands: You possess a suit of protective gear from the frog empire: slat plates, leather ties, ‘gunomo’ undercoat.
17A Bold Crested Helm: Walk tall with a high-topped steel helmet, horsehair crest, top spike, or bannered brim.
18Charms and Holy Symbols: You carry a collection of beads, vestments, and blessed objects that invoke feelings of divinity.
19Flintlock Guns and Kit: Black powder weapons are your speciality.
20Froggish Weapons: The curved blades, flexible steel, red-laquer hafts and brass guards of frog-folk blades are your preferred equipment.
Choose Your Start
1I Left the Cult: Madmen and fools! I escaped the night, never to return!
2I Joined the Cult: Outsiders may never understand us, but our great leader sees many things. My purpose was found when I joined them...
3Our Village Was Called to Arms: Our lord rallied my people to mighty deeds, and I gave answer, taking the oath.
4When I found the Red Crystal: It guides me... I can’t explain how.
5Rumors of My Lost Kin Surfaced: For so long was I alone in this world, so when word of my family came, I set out.
6I Was Taken Prisoner: I was very young... a nomad ever since.
7The Fissure Split Open: A great crack broke the land, revealing darkness below. The monsters that arose set my life in motion.
8My Brother Disappeared: To this day I have yet to find him.
9The Crops Failed: I was chosen to find the evil cause of the blight.
10The Alderman Came: Our town headman chose a handful of us for higher purpose. I was sent into the wide world, and never looked back.
11We Discovered the Ruins: The weird stones and starfallen carvings of those moldering walls changed us... posing too many questions.
12We Went Searching for Better Fishing: Our feet just took us too far!
13The Rats Came Ashore: In the chaos, folk running about, I was tossed into the water and almost drowned. Since then, my days have darkened.
14The Sky Went Dark: My mother stayed behind so that we could escape... she knew the ash clouds brought dark portents.
15I Met These Ninnies: I’ve been keeping them out of trouble ever since.
16The Wolves Appeared: They leave nothing alive, so we fled.
17I Was Chosen: The runes never lie, so I seek this unknown destiny.
18I Inherited This Jewel: It’s a humming, glowing thing. I need answers. Those I ask all seem to have a different story.
19My Master Released Me: I completed my training, somehow, and was sent into the wild world to become a teacher someday.
20I Betrayed my Oath: The limits of those close-minded folk were too much to bear. Someone had to choose the hard path. That was me.
Choose Your Now
1Seek and Destroy Evil-Doers: My purpose leaves evil no quarter.
2Simply Gather Power: If there is such mighty arcane force in the world, why not me to wield it?
3Make a Mess of Things: Who doesn’t like a good jest? It’s all in fun!
4Protect My Friends: There is great value in the service of others.
5Sell My Skills for Coin: I have released the upturned nose of morality and destiny. I do jobs. I am content.
6Have Joined the Rebellion: Those who topple the bloated fools in power are my allies. Our lives are the weapon they cannot deflect.
7Will Find What I Seek: No danger is too great, no task too daunting.
8Humbly Wander: I ask nothing of the world, save its majesty.
9Answer to a New Master: My loyalties are well-earned and absolute.
10Am Driven Mad by Nightmares: The visions won’t stop. Gods, the horrors it shows me, even in waking moments!
11Hear a Call from Afar: When the twilight makes red the clouds, or a clap of thunder rings... I can hear some distant sound... beckoning.
12Just Want a Place to Call Home: A cozy hearth and soft bed await.
13Must Secure my Fortune: I will not wind up in poverty and rot after all this. I need to find a true nest egg.
14Fight to Earn My Place: Only mighty deeds will earn me a seat with the elders and mentors. There must be a way...
15Pursue a Masterwork: I know it is out there... the masterpiece of craft told of in legends. I will be the one to find it.
16Will Have My Revenge: They will pay. I will be their angel of death.
17Live for the Gods’ Will: I am but a vessel, and if it be their will, they will act through me. I am but a conduit, a pilgrim.
18Am Gainfully Employed: I live a sensible life of honorable work. Given enough time, I’ll find leisure at last.
19Answer to No One: I go where I please, and slay who I choose.
20Lead My Allies to Glory: For whataver reasons, I carry the mantle of leadership for this troop. I mean to make it matter, and see deeds done.
Choose Your Hometown
D3My Hometown Is...
1Gardenburrow, Forest Refuge: This town was founded by elves centuries ago as a waystation for forest caretakers and foragers. Since then, it has grown to a few hundred residents and many travelers crossing the West. To call this town home, you’ll be diving into mysterious forests, a longstanding feud with frog men, tensions with dwarves, and the mists of the Emerald Narrows. Gardenburrow is an elemental place... a pilgrimage for druids and nature-folk of the realm.
2Rivergate, Bustling Trade City: At the geographic center point of The North Holds is the port city of Rivergate. This central location has made the ruling elite here wealthy, trading with the Stormkeeper dwarves and the abundant farms south of the River Thenne. Now that Ruinmoor has gone quiet, though, Rivergate is in crisis. To call this town home, you’ll be working for desperate nobles, escorting merchant barges, or exploring the fallen walls of ancient monasteries. Rivergate is the busy hub of mankind, with all its intrigue and peril.
3Slimshire, High Plains Outpost: The coming of the ‘White Bird’ and The Holy Order has grown this town, once a wide spot in the road to Hakburg, to new heights. Ruling here is Lord Pickins, and times have been good. Such fortune has attracted the destructive attention of goblins from the Shadow Glades, Orc raiders from the deep desert, and even the darkly dreaming influence of a mysterious entity generally referred to as ‘the eye in the well.’ To call this town home, you will be confronting vampiric cults, fighting goblin skirmishers, or working to secure allies in the war with the Orcs.
Core Abilities
Choose a Flaw:
Things that make you unique, but also prove challenging in time... flaws! Each flaw earns 5 points, maximum 4 flaws over a character’s lifetime.
1Addict: You have a specific vice you cannot deny. If you can’t get your fix, the GM will ask for a roll vs. attrition in some form.
2Aescetic: You frown on possessions. Never exceed 5 equipment.
3Ancient: You are old! Muscle, Jump, Climber, Breakfall, and Stealth skills may not exceed 9, but you earn respect for your advanced age.
4Bad Reputation: You’ve done things... terrible things, and people know about it. You’ve done harm, broken oaths, or let someone down.
5Crazy: When faced with a difficult choice, choose randomly.
6Disorganized: Where’d you put that? When seeking anything but your most-used items and armor, roll 9 or less on a D20 to find it.
7Drunkard: Your drinking wavers between revelry and tomfoolery. Beer and wine drain your pockets and frustrate your friends.
8Employed: You are paid or oathsworn to a lord or employer. Disobey at your own peril!
9Greedy: Tempted by treasure, roll 6 or less on a D20 to resist the urge.
10Grudge: You have been wronged, and hold it against an individual or group, unjustly. When you encounter them, you behave terribly.
11Impetuous: You are impatient, leaping into situations without planning or reservation. Only take action in phase 1 or 2.
12Injured: This common flaw should be taken a few times in a character’s lifetime. An Injury brings a -1 maximum skill inventory.
13Just a kid: Hey, I’m just a kid! Never exceed 6 skills.
14Paranoid: What’s that? You hear that? You invent your own boogie men, and sew doubt among others. NPCs will be hesitant to trust you.
15Phobia: Fear of a common thing. In its presence, no roll can succeed.
16Pursued: You have a nemesis out there... somewhere... hunting you.
17Sickly: You were born frail. Survival and Resist skills cannot exceed 9.
18Stubborn: If you make up your mind, only a D20 contest with another player or NPC will sway you.
19Timid: You’d rather let others lead. Only take action in phase 4 or 5.
20Unlucky: No matter how many rabbit’s feet you carry, you have a penchant for comical mishaps and crit fail on a 16+.
Choose a Core Ability:
Select a CORE ABILITY to gain a mechanical specialization. A character can only have one. Core abilities cost 15 hero points.
D20Core Abilities
1Battlemaster: You have been trained as a soldier who knows how to hit hard. When you roll maximum damage, roll again. There is no limit to the number of times the dice can ‘explode.’
2Brutal Fighter: You are fast, efficient, and adept at taking on multiple opponents in close quarters. All of your melee attacks may hit 2 foes with a single damage roll.
3Druid: Master of wilderness. Gain the Tracking and Hunting skills for free, each at 9. When outdoors, gain +3 on all skills.
4Empath: You have masterful intuition. Gain the Investigation, Streetwise and Oratory skills at a value of 7 for free.
5Go Unnoticed: You blend into shadows with ease. When enemies are attacking you and your allies, they will target you last.
6Mountaineer: A master of finding ways through rock and cavern. Gain the Climber and Breakfall skills at 10. In mountains or underground, you also have a Scout skill of 15.
7Paragon of Faith: Your Faith skill grows by 2 with a successful cast, and maxes at 16 (see p. 84). Additionally, destroy 1D6 weak undead (such as zombies, shamblers or skeletons) as an Exhausting spell.
8Protector: When using a shield, change a failed Defense roll by an ally into a success once per round, if they are nearby.
9Spellsinger: You cast spells with flair and oratory. You can never use ‘silent’ or ‘still’ spells. As a default, though, your spells work on a target that can HEAR you cast. Upgrade from there as normal.
10Uncanny Shot: Roll an extra damage die with all ranged weapons, and ignore 1 DEF on all targets when using ranged weapons.
11Veteran Commander: When a combat encounter starts, choose 1 ally. Inspire them with a command to fight! Their first attack does maximum damage, and they cannot be harmed for the remainder of that round.
12Wizard Savant: You don’t just cast spells; you are a conduit of incredible power. When casting, effects and outputs of all magic you cast are maximized on a Magic skill roll of 6 or less on a D20.
Choose a Skill:
Skills are a diverse look at what you have studied over the years, what learning you’ve acquired, and what talents you’ve cultivated. Character skill inventory is limited to 10 skills. Roll at or under skill value on D20.
1Animal Training: Charm or induce an animal companion to perform simple actions. Can only be used with one animal at a time.
2Armorer: In arm’s length of an ally, roll this skill to repair 1 damaged armor item in their inventory. On a failure, the armor is destroyed.
3Brawling: Fight with fists and feet. Two uses: 1) Roll the skill to grapple or stun a foe for 1 round. 2) Use a D6 when attacking without a weapon.
4Breakfall: Half damage taken in long falls if this skill rolled successfully.
5Climber: Climb any reasonable surface with texture, holds, or crevasses.
6Courtier: Roll to outwit bureaucrats or royalty.
7Disguise: Take on alternate identities. More difficult with acquaintances.
8Evade: Used to avoid attacks that armor cannot protect against.
9Faith: The ability to call forth miracles with prayer (see Divine Magic).
10Forage: A skill used to find plants in the Herbalists’ Guide.
11Gambling: Cheat or overcome casino games with devious attention.
12Hunting: Acquire food in natural environments, enough for a group.
13Investigate: Uncover hidden information, history or subtle facts.
14Jump: Leap with uncanny agility, out-jumping the untrained by 3-fold.
15Knowledge: Roll to recall details on a single topic or area of expertise.
16Languages: Be fluent with a successful roll. Only spend here for languages outside what would be normal for your folk to speak.
17Linguist: Discern lost or unknown language, glyphs, or writing.
18Lockpicking: Disable non-magical locking devices with tools.
19Magic: Used to contain infernal or unstable magic, or as a resistance to spells. Also used for wild magic and anti-magic.
20Medical: Recover a crossed-off skill on yourself or an ally, with a touch. A failed roll renders that skill recoverable only by rest.
21Mining: Navigate or excavate underground with perfect direction and skill.
22Muscle: You have a knack for leverage, a powerful grip, and raw strength. Roll this skill to bend bars, lift the unliftable, or brace against wind.
23Oratory: Fascinate or deceive with stories, bravado and sheer charisma.
24Pickpocket: Acquire small or simple items on unsuspecting targets.
25Profession: Any working skill or commerce skill, its tools and ways.
26Repair: Mend a damaged weapon or item. Not usable on armor. A failed roll destroys the item. “I think I dropped a piece...”
27Resist: You are hearty. Roll to ignore extreme cold, poison, or too many mugs of ale. Hold your breath or fight back harmful magic with Resist.
28Riding: Perform daring maneuvers on horseback without penalties.
29Running: Run double the distance of others, outrun pursuers in the open.
30Sailing: Operate marine vessels, with appropriate crew.
31Scholar: Achieve renown in a specific topic. You are published.
32Scout: Find all kinds of clues, information, or traps in the immediate area.
33Shield Fighting: When using a shield, roll this skill instead of Defense. Additionally, add the Defense bonus of your shield to this skill.
34Skinning: Harvest a slain beast for pelt or hide in 1D4 rounds.
35Spell Research: Roll to study spells with time and materials in a safe place. Gain 1 hero point per day invested thus, spendable only on spells.
36Stealth: Go unnoticed when moving. Easier if perfectly still or hidden.
37Streetwise: You know shady people and back-alley secrets.
38Survival: If your heart is hit, a lethal injury, roll this skill instantly (it will be crossed off). On a success, you fi ght off death’s embrace for 1 round. Also rolled when refusing to rest and pushing onward after lack of sleep.
39Swimming: Swim twice as far as others. Stay under water twice as long.
40Take Aim: Add a die of your attack type on the next attack you make.
41Tracking: Find obscured foes in the wild.
42Trading: Get more value out of trade despite hagglers, bad leverage, distractions or scammers.
Select Equipment:
D20Basic ItemsCost
1Backpack: Carry 2 additional items.6
2Torches: 3 count, snap-light, burns for 1 scene.1
3Climbing Gear: Ignore penalties on Climbing rolls.1
4Mining Kit: Exploring or excavation times cut in half.1
5Cold Weather Furs: Ignore penalties from normal cold or snow.1
6Diving Gear: 2 dive helms, spearguns, fins, marker buoy.1
7Lockpicks: Cannot pick locks without these tools.1
8Sack of Bearings: A pouch of 3 dozen metal balls.1
9Flint & Steel: Camp with comfort and cozy fire.1
10Scribe's Kit: Parchment book, charcoal sticks.1
11Craftsman's Tools: Hammer, spanner, and bits for simple work.1
12Bandage Kit: 3 count, heal 1 crossed off skill.3
13Oil Flask: 3 count, flammable liquid, glass phial.1
14Rope: 50’ length, breaks on crit fail usage.1
15Iron Chain: 15’ length, all but unbreakable.1
16Snare Kit: 3 count, catch small animals.1
17Bear Trap: 1 count, Muscle to escape.2
18Caltrops: 3 uses, spiked floor-scatter, inflicts D4.1
19Powder Kit: 1 Firearm never empty, ruined if wet.2
20Blessed Water: 3 uses, anathema to pure evil or the undead.3
1Dagger: D4, Conceal, thrown.1
2Walking Staff: D4, Handy for all kinds of things.1
3Short Sword: D6, Use with no hinderance in tight spaces.1
4Long Sword: D8, If max damage, roll again.2
5Great Sword: D10, Uses 2 hands.3
6Wood Axe: D6, Thrown, double damage on wood.1
7Battle Axe: D12, Ignore 2 target DEF.5
8Pick Hammer: D6, Reduce target armor by 1 per hit.2
9War Hammer: D10, If 7+ damage, stun for D6 phases.3
10Studded Mace: D8, If max damage, stun target for 3 phases.2
11Spiked Flail: D10, Double damage if used mounted.3
12Spear: D10, Thrown, long reach.2
13Halberd: D12, Long reach, halt a target's progress.3
14Scimitar: D8, On max damage, attack another target.5
15Barbed Whip: D8, Induces bleed on target.5
16Short Bow: D6, Conceal, Use point blank.1
17Long Bow: D8, On max damage, fire again.3
18Crossbow: D10, Takes 1 round to reload.5
19Musket: D12, Heard for miles, D6 phases to reload.5
20Flint Pistol: D10, Concealed, D6 phases to reload.7
1Cloak: DEF +1, +3 Stealth skill.1
2Greaves: DEF +1, Boots with armored shins.1
3Leather Vest: DEF +2, No protection against blunt force.2
4Chain Mail: DEF +3, Noisy.3
5Scale Vest: DEF +3, Rare/requires expert blacksmith.3
6Helm: DEF +1, Draws enemy attention.1
7Chest Plate: DEF +4, -3 Stealth skill, cannot swim.5
8Wood Shield: DEF +1, Absorb 2 hits before attrition.3
9Steel Shield: DEF +2, Absorb 3 hits before attrition.5
10Tower Shield: DEF +3, Clumsy, ignore attrition from arrows.5
D20Large ItemsCost
1Horse: Transports 2 people at 4x walking speed.5
2Cart: Holds Crates and barrels filled with goods.10
3Wagon: Transports like a cart, at horse speed.20
4War Wagon: An armored wagon for siege.25
5Small Boat: Holds 4 people, barely seaworthy, sneaky.15
6Mast Ship: Crew of 3 required, 2 masts, huge hold.35
7House: A cozy place to live, deed for life.50
8Fort or Garrison: A wooden Defense position with pole-fences.75
9Castle: A series of keeps and towers, stone.200
10Fortress: A massive, impregnable castle on a cliff.300
Choose a Customization:
1Balanced: Ignore 1 target DEF to attack with this weapon.3
2Bleed: After inflicting damage, target bleeds same damage D4 rounds.3
3Chained: You cannot lose or be robbed of this weapon.3
4Cold Forged: This metal equipment is immune to corrosion of all kinds.3
5Compact: This gear incurs no unwanted attention or clumsiness.3
6Deadly: Add an additional damage die of the weapon’s type.3
7Die Upgrade: Upgrade the damage die of a weapon by 1 grade.3
8Lightweight: Finely made equipment doesn’t inhibit stealth or swimming.3
9Lucky: Critical fails with this weapon incur no penalties.3
10Resilient: This gear is resilient to damage (2 hits to cross off).3
Choose a Limitation:
1Breakable: On a critical fail usage, minimum damage roll, or special GM-noticed circumstances, this equipment just goes to pieces.3
2Garish: The appearance with this gear is over the top, ugly, or off-putting to most. This will draw enemy ire, embarrass you, or embolden foes.3
3Heavy: This equipment is bulky, occupying 2 item inventory.3
4Sought After: There are nefarious folk seeking this gear.3
5Stolen: The owner of this gear, or forces of law, will hunt you down.3
6Wonky: This gear has silly or unexpected malfunctions the GM will referee as needed.3
Choose a Customization:
1Cold Forged: This metal equipment is immune to corrosion of all kinds.3
2Compact: This gear incurs no unwanted attention or clumsiness.3
3Lightweight: Finely made equipment doesn’t inhibit stealth or swimming.3
4Reinforced: Add an addition +1 Defense.3
5Resilient: This gear is resilient to damage (2 hits to cross off).3
Choose a Limitation:
1Breakable: On a critical fail usage, minimum damage roll, or special GM-noticed circumstances, this equipment just goes to pieces.3
2Garish: The appearance with this gear is over the top, ugly, or off-putting to most. This will draw enemy ire, embarrass you, or embolden foes.3
3Heavy: This equipment is bulky, occupying 2 item inventory.3
4Sought After: There are nefarious folk seeking this gear.3
5Stolen: The owner of this gear, or forces of law, will hunt you down.3
6Wonky: This gear has silly or unexpected malfunctions the GM will referee as needed.3
Select A Spell:
1Arcane Lock: A glyph used to permanently seal a door.3
2Armor: Add +3 DEFENSE.3
3Courage: Ignore fear or intimidation.3
4Dream Spike: Stun an intelligent foe.3
5Far-Seer: See your position from high above.3
6Fireblast: Explosive fire from hands, engulf an area.3
7Ghost Blade: Hit 1D2 targets with arcane knives.3
8Healing Light: Heal a skill attrition with a touch.3
9Invisible Wall: A 20’ wide force field with 4 attrition.3
10Levitation: Hover up to 6 feet above ground.3
11Mage Cloak: Enchant a cape. Its wearer is targeted last.3
12Piercing Blade: Enchant a weapon. It is DEADLY.3
13Purify: Free a target of all afflictions.3
14Sprint: Grant a double move speed.3
15Stormcaller: Conjure a type of weather when outdoors.3
16Summon Vermin: Attract a swarm of local pests.3
17Telekineticus: Move small objects up at or to LONG range.3
18Vanish: Become invisible.5
19Vines: Call up vines that grab passers-through.3
20Waterbreath: Breathe underwater with ease.3
Select an Effect:
D12Spell EffectsCost
1Accuracy: Boost an upcoming damage roll.3
2Adapt: Select a specific substance you can now breathe easily.3
3Additional Cast: Add a cast to this spell.3
4Analyze: Cast and roll effect. If this effect is greater than the approximate point value of the target spell or item, gain all information about it.3
5Animate: Use objects as puppets, D6 of them per cast.3
6Area: Modify a single-target spell to affect a SHORT range radius.3
7Banish: Cast out a summoned creature or construct.3
8Blast: Inflict magic damage of specified theme.3
9Clairvoyance: Cast a spell up to EFFECTx100’ even if target unseen.3
10Cloak: Reduce the chance of being spotted by others. This effect can have many variations including camoflage, stillness, deception...3
11Clone: Duplicate an object or person into a semi-real copy.3
12Create: Create an object, imbued with a spell you know. At its base level, this spell creates an object with 1 use of the selected spell.3
D12Spell EffectsCost
1Arcane Armor: Boost DEFENSE with magical effect.3
2Detect Object: Detect a specific object.3
3Duration: Add an additional 1 ROUND duration to a spell's effect.3
4Dispel: Overcome foe’s delivered EFFECT with yours to cancel the target spell. Use with ‘saved action’ to cancel a spell before it is cast.3
5Dice Upgrade: Increase the dice used by this spell by one grade.3
6Dominate: Deliver more than target 3D6 roll total to mind control.3
7Drain: Reduce a target’s damage dice to 1D6 for 1 ROUND.3
8Enchant: Imbue a weapon or object with a single GEAR EFFECT.3
9Evade: Boost the Evade skill of a target.3
10Haste: Run or swim (choose on purchase) twice as fast as others.3
11Mend: Repair 1 weapon, item, or piece of armor.3
12Illusions: Place illusions into a mind directly, or fabricate them for all.3
D12Spell EffectsCost
1Language: Listen, speak, or translate any language or cypher.3
2Lasting: Upgrade the spell’s duration by +1 ROUND. Pay 15 points here to create permanence, with GM approval.3
3Levitate: Hover or move a few feet above the ground.3
4Locate: Locate a person without seeing them. If resisting, overcome foe 3D6 roll value with EFFECT value.3
5Metal: Manipulate metal in numerous ways.3
6Mind Defense: Ignore Dominate, Illusions, Obscure, or Telepathy for 1 ROUND.3
7Obscure: Hide objects. Use EFFECT as penalty to detection rolls.3
8Perception: Add EFFECT to a Scout or Investigate roll.3
9Poison: Conjure arcane goo or oil that inflicts poison on living things.3
10Powerful: Add another dice of its current grade to the spell’s output.3
11Psychokinesis: Use the Muscle skill at distance of EFFECT x 10 feet.3
12Hold Spell: Use a turn to ‘pre-cast’ spell, triggering it any time after.3
D12Spell EffectsCost
1Range: Cast spell up to LONG RANGE.3
2Restore: Heal 1 skill attrition or repair 1 item attrition.3
3Shapechange: Change into a specified animal form.3
4Shield: Create a damage-absorbant magical barrier. It is impervious for 1 ROUND.3
5Silent Spell: Cast this spell with no magical words or speech.3
6Still: Empower a spell to require no gestures.3
7Summon: Conjure 1D6 1 attrition ‘minion’ creatures or constructs.3
8Telepathy: Read minds by overcoming foe 3D6 roll with effect.3
9Transmute: Change a mass into a different material. Change EFFECTX 10 pounds of mass.3
10Transport: Move a person from here to there instantly. Distance equal to EFFECT x 10 feet.3
11Vapor: Contain a spell’s EFFECT in a lingering vapor cloud. The cloud is subject to air movement as a conventional gas.3
12Ward: Prevent passage of a specified creature or person through a portal or passage. Ward lasts EFFECT x 1 hour.3
D20Spell LimitationsGain
1Campfire magic: Can only be cast in a safe place3
2Cannot be customized: This spell is minimalistic, only available in its first-learned form, never to be changed.3
3Cannot be targeted: Spell always flies wild. Use dice for direction, or randomly select from available targets.3
4Exhausting: No magic can be used for 1 round after cast.3
5Costs 1 attrition to cast: Sustain 1 attrition with each cast.3
6Costs material to cast: When cast, mark off 1 item in your inventory as destroyed... a powerful reagent like a crystal or crushed bone.3
7Druidic: Cannot be cast if the caster wears or is touching any metal.3
8Ineffable: This magic is primal, and can’t be recorded for others to use, on scrolls, weapons, rings, or wands of any sort.3
9Linked to physical object: The spell manifests with or through an object. If that object is destroyed or stolen, the spell is lost.3
10Madness: Each time this spell is cast, roll your Magic skill. If fail, take the Crazy flaw until your next rest.3
11Must be sustained: This spell ends if the caster is hit or takes any other action while the spell is active.3
12Nullified by: Has no effect on a specific type of target or target property.3
13Only works on specific target type: Can be anything. Be as specific as possible.3
14Only works outdoors: Elemental forces are required to cast.3
15Painful: After this spell is cast, the user can only make a single move on their next turn... ie: no actions.3
16Red Speech: This spell can only be cast with booming, shouted words. This limitation prohibits the use of Silent Spell.3
17Ritual: This spell can only be cast with 1D4 uninterrupted rounds of successful Magic skill rolls.3
18Takes 2 turns to cast: Effect takes place at the end of the caster’s second phase spent casting. If hit in that time, the count starts over. If rolling to cast, the roll must be made twice consecutively.3
19Unstable: A wobbly, barely-contained magic. When cast, roll Magic to maintain control. If failing, roll on the Unstable Magic table.3
20Uses infernal powers: Calls on brimstone and demons. When cast, roll Magic to maintain control. If failing, roll on the Infernal Magic table.3
Select a Companion type:
13 Point Companion: (Small animals) A ferret, rat, snake, parrot, frog, or hedgehog may not have great strength, but they make good company, stow away with ease and generally go unnoticed by foes. D4 attacks, 1 skill value 9, 6 Defense.3
25 Point Companion: (Medium sized beasts or simple devices) Dogs, cats, falcons, owls, or even small pigs count as medium-sized. Also in this group are tiny devices such as mechanical animals, orbs or smaller automatons. The latter should be very rare in any campaign. Medium companions have more combat capability, but also become targets. D6 attacks, 2 skills value 9, 9 Defense.5
312 Point Companion: (Large animals or retainers) A tiger, wolf, bear, or condor is considered the largest of companions. Also in this group are trainee human fighters, equipment squires, chroniclers or personal chefs. The GM should be prepared to manage the mechanics and story for such a companion, without allowing them to consume more table time than any other character type. D8 attacks, 3 skills value 9, 9 Defense.12
Modify your companion:
This type of companion can take X free skill and 1 limitation.
1Attack: Roll damage with natural weapons.
2Carry: This companion can carry its weight or less with ease.
3Endure: This companion gains a +1 heart attrition.
4Find: Locate a person or object in 1D4 rounds.
5Frighten: With a roll, scare a foe into hesitating for 1 round.
6Hunt: Once per day, this companion can feed a group with its efforts.
7Pin Down: Roll to pounce on a foe and pin it. Versus rolls encouraged.
8Protect: The companion clings to its charge, taking damage when possible.
9Report: In 1D4 rounds, scout the area and report back in simple terms.
10Retrieve: Roll to recover an object of equal or smaller mass.
11Stand Watch: This companion reliably keeps guard, alerting at any event.
12Taunt: With a roll, require a foe to attack for 1 round.
13Track: Roll to reliably follow a designated quarry for 1 round.
1Deadly: Upgrade the companion's damage with an additional die.3
2Cunning: Upgrade the skill value used by +1.3
3Precise: Your companion ignores most penalties in combat.3
4Evasive: This creature gains +3 Defense.3
1Clumsy: This companion is almost never stealthy, hidden, or silent. The group’s sneaking or stealth efforts are afflicted by a -3 penalty.3
2Feral: Once attacking, this companion will not stop attacking until all immediate foes are slain or subdued.3
3Frightened: On a roll of 4 or less, or special circumstances, this companion will flee, vanishing for 1D4 days.3
4Impulsive: When battle is joined, this companion rolls its skill value. On a failed roll, it makes its own opening decision, using the hero’s phase.3
5Trophy: This companion is sought after by shadowy folk, collectors, jailers, or those who simply hate it.3